
Overcoming Difficult Trials

About Me

I am a single mother who recently discovered  a brain tumor was in my frontal lobe for about 10 years. Thanks to my parents insisting that I go to their doctor, I was FINALLY diagnosed and sent to St. Joseph’s hospital in Phoenix, AZ to have it removed.  The change in my personality was immediate and my recovery has been miraculous.

Although my past  year has been full of changes and loss, I choose to look at things with a positive attitude.  I refuse to wallow in the mud.  I left behind a wonderful life in Oregon:   good friends, a dream house, great job, a comfortable and stable life.   I believe God is asking me to encourage others through this blog.  If I can take the ashes of my life and start to rebuild my life, you can too.

Be sure to check out CATEGORY on the sidebar or the bottom.

33 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Chelsea Brown19 on said:

    Just letting you know that I have mentioned your blog in my latest post.
    Check it out http://thejennymacbookblog.wordpress.com/

  2. Happy to read positivity carried you through such a dramatic health issue. So glad you’re on the mend. Miracles happen daily 🙂 xo!!

  3. Candy,
    One can sit in the mud puddles of life or get out of them. I choose to wallow and play in the mud for a time, but then decided I didn’t want to stay stuck in anger and bitterness. God has blessed me with so much, I need to thank Him every day for His goodness.

  4. wow… Saw your note out at http://breastfedblog.wordpress.com – I’ve been writing about some of my own adventures, the lessons one often learns through trials. May you continue to see the blessings that are around you. Thank you for sharing.

  5. So glad you were curious. We do grow from trials and gain wisdom from them if we don’t decide to get bitter. Let others know about weepingintodancing@wordpress.com as it is a new blog.
    Thanks and come again!

  6. Pingback: Friend Friday: Brain Tumours Know No Borders | Courage and Hope

  7. Wow! You are so positive through all of this! Don’t ever lose that. Check out my website, I am trying to help people with brain tumors as much as I can: http://getthroughittogether.weebly.com/
    My older sister had a grade three oligodendroglioma and survived, that’s what made me create my website.
    Stay positive!

  8. Great website Cheryl!

  9. Thank you for visiting and reading my post. I wish you the best in your self discovery also. Warmest regards

  10. You are an inspiration to have gone through so much and yet refuse to wallow in self-pity. Am glad you are recovering, do continue to take care of your health. And thanks for dropping by my blog.

  11. You are such a blessing. I would love to feature you on our site and have you as a guest on Breathe Again Magazine – The Radio Show.

    Thank you for sharing your victorious testimony.

    Nicole Cleveland
    Founder of Breathe Again Magazine
    Author – Radio Host – Motivational Speaker

  12. What a beautiful positive attitude! Thanks for visiting my blog…….Paula x

  13. thanks for the comment. great to come across a fellow oregonian blogger. you have a wonderful positive attitude and i look fwd to reading your posts!

  14. Hello…thank you for liking one of the posts on my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has encouraged you. Please continue check in on us from time to time and follow if you will. Thank you again and remember to have Faith 1st.

  15. Pretty Depressed Agoraphobic on said:

    Thanks for visiting my blog ( http://prettyagoraphobic.wordpress.com/me ) I understand that brain tumors and chronic depression and anxiety are very different, I appreciate your positive attitude through it all, not allowing it to consume you. I do believe you can inspire with this blog. I’m glad you finally received a diagnosis (amazing it was there for that long!), treatment, recovery, and you found your light again.

    I hope we all do.
    I couldn’t imagine going through that. It’s beyond brave.


    • My Dear One,
      I thank your for your kind words. Yes, brain tumors and chronic depression are 2 different things, but in my case the tumor caused the clinical depression. The location of the tumor was on my frontal lobe and affected my emotions and behavior. I suffered from the hopelessness that depression causes for many years. I really wish there was a way doctors could PHYSICALLY CUT OUT depression the way they cut out my tumor. I wish you hope.
      We can do ALL THINGS through Him who gives us strength.

  16. Wow! I am glad you caught it in time.

    • Ha, you don’t know how close it got. If my parents hadn’t insisted that I go with them to see their doctor in Arizona, I would have been dead within a few months or less. I went downhill very fast 2 weeks before surgery. This is why I tell my friends to get a second opinion about medical issues. I told my nurse practitioner I was unable to slow myself down in a parking lot so I intentionally crashed myself into a car to stop. I fell on the ground and needed 2 men to get me back on my feet. Her response was, “Well, tell me if it happens again.”

  17. Me too but it was all a part of His plan. He gave me an excellent surgeon in the best neurological department in the nation. God also gave me a miraculously quick recovery that has amazed many. Praise God!!

  18. Thanks for your visit to my blog, and kind comments on my poems. Your story is a wonderful one, and I am glad you are sharing it, and your great attitude with others.

    Quick question – did you take the picture on the header? I was in New Orleans a few years ago and took almost the exact shot. It was spooky seeing it. But the plantation where it was shot was beautiful and I often wondered how it fared after Katrina.


    • Hi Tom,
      Regarding the header…. When I set up the blog about 2 months ago I just searched the internet using words like tree or path and then hit image. I wish I was more help.

  19. You should use the picture here for your gravatar..it’s so bright and pretty and you look so happy! Nice blog! God bless you and all that you’ve gone through sister. Hope you have a beautiful, blessed week.

    • Thank you for your advice. I recently had my “Pink” picture taken at the beautiful Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I have updated my picture. Blessings!

  20. Oh it’s your blog..I just thought this one looks warmer, friendlier and bright. You look like an overcomer..happy! God bless u!

  21. Thank you for your testamony. I pray that God will bless you in all you do.

    • Thank you. I need all the blessings I can get. Life happens. Trials come. Things are often not in my control.
      If I agree to let God be in the driver’s seat, all I have to do is go along for the ride.

  22. I love reading your blog. You are an inspiration. I am looking for quest bloggers on my blog, so if you have time… then I would love to invite you to be my guest blogger. God Bless you in your journey and thank you for sharing.

  23. Hello Meme. This writing thing is all so new to me! God seems to be taking me down a path I never expected. I love encouraging others so yes, I would love to be a guest blogger….. after the holidays! Email me. Blessings!

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